I believe that when everyone comes together, we can all make a positive difference in the lives of children in need. It doesn't take one person to do it all.. it takes us all doing our own small part!
Why Collect Recyclables?
While 500,000 bottles and cans is a lot for one person to collect on their own, if everyone donates what they can, we can easily reach our goal.
Very often bottles and cans never even make it into a recycling bin, but can be seen littering the streets. By collecting bottles and cans this not only helps our local Canadian communities become a little cleaner, but goes towards providing children with the opportunity to receive a quality education that they deserve.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.
Here are some places to set up a collection:
• Home
• Library
• Place of Worship
• School
• Work
We are currently in the process of making fundraising signs and collection bins, which can be used to help set up and advertise for a successful collection. We will update this page when these fundraising resources become available.
Individuals in the Montreal and Ottawa area
If you would like to donate any bottles and cans, we are available to coordinate with you a day to pick up your donation.
Individuals Outside Montreal or Ottawa
If you live outside of the current collection zones, but would still like to help, it is possible! You can participate by collecting your own bottles and cans and then returning them for cash. You can then send in your donation and it will go towards the children's school fees.
For more information, to request fundraising signs and collection bins, or to coordinate a pick up date, please contact: youthupliftment@hotmail.com