Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Garage Sale Fundraiser

We have begun to plan our garage sale, which will be a fundraiser for Collège AmĂ©lioration Jeunesse!

To make this day a success, we are in need of all the things that you no longer want! Here are some examples:

Baby things (basinets, toys, blankets, ..)
Clothing (for all ages and sizes)
Cook Ware
Small Appliances


While we do not have the exact dates yet, the garage sale will be held either the last weekend of June or the first weekend of July. Please contact us if you have anything you would like to donate.


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Step by Step, Bottle by Bottle..

On the right hand side of this page, you will find a small section called "From Trash to a Class Stats". This is where I keep an update on how many bottles and cans have been collected, and how much that amounts to.

I am very excited to say, that today we have passed the $100 mark!! We currently have collected 2,160 bottles and cans, which equals exactly $108.00!

To reach our goal, we still have a very long way to go. We are 497, 840 cans away, to be precise! 

I believe that we can reach our goal, if everyone helps out. Please consider donating your own bottles and cans, putting up a collection bin at work or school, and spreading the word. Let's take the opportunity to turn trash into a school, for some very deserving kids.